July 2020, UP Michigan
Alexander Berger Preserve
Potomac River, Dec 2020
Morning Glory, fall 2020
Morning Glory, fall 2020
Morning Glory, fall 2020
Lake Michigan, July 2020
James River State Park
Pear Tree, spring 2020
Grand Canyon, July 2019
Myrtle Beach, June 2013
Rappahannock, Jan 2024
Purple Irises, May 2024
Winter Walk, December 2017
Interests: Astronomy, classical music, history, German cars, cycling
Observing Projects and Astronomy Lists
- 2009 Messier Marathon
- From November 2017 through March 2019, I completed the Herschel 400 list (the
first one). It was a great observing project, and was the first time I
undertook a sustained program of observing a substantial "list". I did
a Messier marathon in March of 2009, but didn't make a written record of the
night's observing. My observing notes
of the Herschel 400 first list all the constellations with the number of objects,
as well as the number of objects I observed by date; linked to that are two
versions of my observations, by constellation and then chronologically.
Starting in January 2020, I began the Herschel
400ii list with an observing session in eastern North Carolina at a dark site
on the Pamlico Sound. My second session was on the Blue Ridge Parkway in mid
February 2020. The results will be updated as I work through the list, but who
knows how long that will take? My first impressions are that the objects on the
second list are an entire level of difficulty beyond those on the first list.
- My favorite double stars.
- A list of good carbon stars.
- Summary of Mars oppositions from 1960 to 2054.
- Charts of interesting planetary alignments over time.
- Orion versus Southern Cross!
Astro-Imaging Pages
Other Stuff
- The only cars I've ever owned are Volkswagens (4 of those)
and Audis (2 of those), but I like other cars too.
- Not only do I like telescopes, but microscopes can be fun as well. What
should we look at under my microscope?
- Spring in Virginia offers plenty of flowers and blossoms on fruit trees: