Planet Scenes July 2024

Planet Scenes | Constellations | Transit of Mercury | Texas/Arizona 2019 | Lunar Eclipse 2019 | Total Eclipse 2024 | Historical

July 27

The Sun is still in the midst of its peak activity year, which affords us plenty of opportunities to see sunspots ~ at this time, there are numerous sunspots to be seen but no particulary large ones.

July 13

Venus is still only 10° from the Sun in the evening sky, so even shining at magnitude -3.91 it is nevertheless very faint against the bright twilight sky.  Later in the year we will begin to enjoy interesting views of Venus with the bright stars along the ecliptic.

July 11

Mercury is in the midst of a fairly decent evening apparition but we have not had many opportunities to observe or photograph it and Venus owing to bad weather.

July 9

The largest asteroid, Ceres, which since 2006 has been classified as a dwarf planet, is currently in its opposition phase in the southern part of the Teapot in Sagittarius, therefore brightest and still moving retrograde (westward) for several months.  At the same time, over in the east, Saturn is now rising before midnight and shows in the eastern portion of Aquarius just to the left of the nice trio of ψ Aquarii.

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