NGC 4519 in Virgo

Date of Observation ......
Instrument ...............
Magnification ............
Location .................
Observer .................
Skies ....................
June 24, 2020
13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
King George Co., VA (light pollution map)
Eric David
drifting clouds then clear, humid, 4-day Moon
  Early in the evening, high clouds drifted around the sky and interfered with the view, during the time when I observed this galaxy.  The sky may still have had a touch of twilight when I first began to search for it.  After several attempts, I was able to detect this galaxy using averted vision; one of the things I had to do was go from 76x up to 123x and wait for the Moon to be covered by clouds to suppress some of the light pollution.  I could not make out any details or structure, just a faint hazy spot in the correct location.