Jupiter spent 2018 in Libra, moving back and forth between Zubenelgenubi and the head of Scorpius.  This apparition was very similar to its appearance in 2006 and 1994.  On this night, Jupiter shined at magnitude -2.36 with an equatorial diameter of 41.8" arcseconds, and note how far north of the ecliptic it is, 1°14'26" to be exact.  Over the next several years, Jupiter will move down toward its descending node in eastern Sagittarius.  Unannotated image.

This image was taken with a Nikon D40 and my Nikkor 55 mm f/1.2 lens, which would yield 82 mm focal length paired with a full frame sensor camera. As a result, we can see that α Librae is a double star as well as good detail in the head of Scorpius.  I also labeled the star ξ2 Librae near the top right corner due to its interesting color ~ this star is listed as being spectral type K4III, which is strongly orange, although not as extreme as an M type star or a carbon star.

Amazingly, this guy has his own Wiki- pedia page, but it helps if you read Swedish!