Planet Scenes November 2021

Planet Scenes | Constellations | Transit of Mercury | Texas/Arizona 2019 | Lunar Eclipse 2019 | Historical

November 29

Ceres came to opposition on November 27, shining at magnitude 7.2 in Taurus, just to the upper right of the huge Hyades star cluster.  Two days later, it has moved slightly closer to a little trapezoid of stars.  A great description appears on Guy Ottewell's website.

November 23

Venus, Jupiter and Saturn continue their evening show into November.

November 19

Very nice lunar eclipse on November 19 that was almost total, but not quite.  This shot was obtained using my iPhone 6 afocally through my C90 Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope operating at a magnification of 55x.

November 4

Venus continues to gain altitude in the evening sky, as it moves toward its inferior conjunction in mid-January 2022.

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