Planet Scenes May 2020

Planet Scenes | Constellations | Transit of Mercury | Texas/Arizona 2019 | Lunar Eclipse 2019 | Historical

Venus and Mercury, late May 2020

By late May 2020, Venus was rapidly descending back to the horizon each night ahead of its inferior conjunction, and Mercury was rushing up into the evening twilight toward its greatest eastern elongation.  Venus displays a razor thin crescent by now and will form a nice trio with Mercury and the Moon next evening, the 24th.

In early May 2020, Venus reached the stopping point in its eastward motion against the stars just short of El Nath, and began retrograding.  This shot on May 7 was taken about 4 days before the retrograding started.  Venus has been slowly getting lower each evening, but now the lowering will accelerate greatly until only a few weeks from now, Venus will no longer be visible after sunset except for those with binoculars or a telescope and very clear skies.

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